Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The Deception

   It is my strong belief that God really is, the very definition of God is the intelligent existence holding the entire fabric of universe together, to the air you breathe around you, to the love you see in others; yet, you, I and everyone "living" is bound to this dying place and its broken systems in our biological bodies. Thus, your soul and your flesh are both struggling to go two very different directions. This system "negative energy" a separated (quarantined) system. It is a system under the control of the prince of this world and those with him whose time of CHOICE has passed. While unconnected and in this flesh, we are all under the thumb of the things we cannot see. the world around and even our own flesh can be compared to a bicycle going downhill that can and will gain speed until such point that it reaches a velocity, that without outside intervention, will ultimately meet with disaster of one form or another. This is the default setting. The automated direction that mankind blindly moves when God's light of all that is, was, or remains to come involving that indwelling connection to Him are willfully, or even subconsciously, cast aside in the great pursuit of the sin which may indeed summarize all sin: Self-will. In the grandness of all the stars, the solar systems, the world within worlds, the great beyond and all that which this feeble human mind would shutter to understand, we are such a speck; a tiny, tiny speck. We, and when I say we, I really mean I as well as everyone else have fancied ourselves as little kings, self-important, self-proclaimed gods to which all should bow to recognize our trite conquests, trials, problems and achievements. It is like a drop of water telling the ocean how important it is. But God despite all that still strives to connect with us, trying to undo this curse with incredible care and patience. The programmer is undoing the virus from within.

    This world is eternity's pit stop and heaven will make Disneyland look like a Honeybucket. God says I've made a place for you that will supersede even your wildest dreams and imaginations. But to understand a Way Out, in order to get there we have no choice but to understand where we are "NOW." Let me introduce you to the "spiritual ghetto," the dark end of eternity's street. This is simply the world you and I were born into, the "testing ground." Perhaps the place the Programmer sorts out the parts that He wishes to keep most. It was at our conception that we made the CHOICE that our Maker has tried to undo with incredible care, patience and self-sacrifice. You see, it was the first of our kind that invited in the virus that is this present darkness; turning our cradle into this quarantine. The program, once perfect, is now infected. It is a hollow shell, dying a piece at a time. Most things here will never escape. Worse still, there comes an hour on the horizon when this hollow cancer, and everything confined inside of it, will be herded into an even smaller cage. In that cage, those who were not pulled from this place by connection to their Creator will be as spiritual infants in the unfriendly claws of ancient things; pleasure puppets for condemned beasts. Make no mistake, you have been born into a very hostile and dangerous place

    A spiritual apocalypse is sweeping across our nation, the enemy is using deception and illusions, lulling many into a spiritual slumber, even in something as innocent as Disney; the more you look into it, the illuminatis warped illusions
and hidden agendas are clear. Basically, we're all not right in the head the sin virus has infiltrated our central nervous system. We only wish to devour another, and what I am telling you is this is not physical. We feast on peoples failures. It's mental, psychological not always tangible but we do attack others in order to gain ill conceived nourishment. In the pre-flood days there were giants and hybrid angels that would literally rape the woman and consume the men, this is not fantasy, this was reality. Without God we have a complete apocalyptic nightmare as it is quoted "watch out that you are not consumed by one another" I doubt this is referring to physical consummation.  without a God given conscious of right and wrong we are all spiritual zombies.

   We are all entering a time frame nowdays where many people are "ultra religious", where there is a good degree of superstition, everything is spiritualized. However being ultra religious isn't always a good thing. The Pharisees were ultra religious. This day and age there is extreme curiosity about things of supernatural origin. I've watched Trey Smiths recent documentaries on entities, and if you haven't seen it go to his YouTube channel and watch it. People really talk to these things. Not just "hey this guy said this I think I heard that", "I think there's a weird thing over there" "look it moved on the table" because as that cup is scooting across and we are on this side playing games, it's not. It's got an objective and the thing (entity) whatever it is you want to call it operates like a computer virus. It's trying to "plug in and make entrance" it's main motion isn't moving chips on a Ouija board or cups across a table. Now I think it's important to be said to find out the backdrop and interweave that into what they are trying to do. "What is it always saying?" Look at the correlations. The question is "why is it moving the cup?" It's main mode of operation is not cup sliding but through people --the human mind. The bible is redundant on this "bringing every thought captive" because the mind is like a computer box which outsiders can make entrance "hey, listen hey this is what you really need" and then we line that with what Christ says. Now the objective of a virus is for something to take control of the system and to destroy the property of the system-to subvert it if you will. That's what those pushy thoughts originate from, now why would your mind convince you to do something--why would you convince you?? Are you not you? So what's doing the marketing? There's more I could go into with this. But all I want to leave you with is this: spiritual warfare is very real. This isn't Genesis 6 stuff, they're influencing all of us and largely unnoticed. This is one of the first generations in history that doesn't understand this as common knowledge, I mean they've been practicing this stuff for centuries and lately the sales pitch has been "Gods not real this world and it's surface level materialism is all there is". Yet I want to tell you in truth, it is my hearts desire to lay this before your eyes and inform you that there is a daily struggle being waged over your mind your will your emotions and most importantly like the hard drive to a computer system "your soul". That thing on the other side that is making the cup slide is just thrilled to death we would even give it the time of day. Yet we KNOW the God of the universe the very thing it also fears the most and I'm telling you that thing has nothing to offer you--except side effects and more problems like a little 14 yr old in your house who keeps using the last of the toilet paper and won't go get a job.

    Lastly I wanted to share this: most psychologists would agree that we as people emulate the personality traits of those who we spend the most time around. If we spend alot of time with Jesus we will begin to behave and even act like him. This is why long distance relationships are hard. God isn't out there so far that you have to pick up the phone and hope don't get a busy signal or have to leave another voicemail, we send these quick text messages of prayer like requests without understanding every thought and desire you experience He is not surprised by. He already knows you yet he  doesn't want a 'long-distance relationship, He wants a personal, deep heartfelt one, where every desire is cast at the foot of the cross and every ill-conceived thought of doubt, anger and fear is cast at the foot of the cross. Who wants us to experience a love so vast, so wide and so deep that all he says is "give me your sins" I will carry them myself all the way the way to Calvary all to cure your heart and minds. Do you know him? Because you got to have him. 

"I want you to know...no matter who you are.. that God is very, very Real.... and He loves you more than you can even know.... As people we have trouble understanding what that love is, and also not fully understanding what the love of God Himself is" -Trey Smith.  

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Little Sins

By degrees men get familiar with sin

"the ear in which the cannon has been booming will not notice slight sounds"

"At first a little sin startles us, but soon we say is it not a little one? then there comes another larger and then another, until by degrees we begin to regard sin as but a little ill and then follows an unholy audacity we have not fallen into open sin, true we tripped a little but we stood upright in the main, we may have uttered one unholy word but as for the most of our conversation it has been consistent, so we palliate sin, we throw a cloak over it we call it by dainty names. Is it not a poison who knows its deadliness? Does not the tiny coral insect build a rock which wrecks a navy? Do not little strokes fell lofty oaks"

It can all start with a joke at the dinner table that may not have been all too offensive to ones ears, or a quick glance outside a window to notice the neighbors fine car. We are never far from coveting, envy or salacious desires.

"Is it not a little one?" Men, with their eyes well opened by divine grace, have seen a whole hell slumbering in the most minute sin. Gifted with a microscopic power, their eyes have seen a world of iniquity hidden in a single act, or thought, or imagination of sin; and hence they have avoided it with horror,— have passed by and would have nought to do with it.

   This is something that convicted me. It was always be degrees I have been desensitized
to the harmful affects of sin. A drink here, a quick glance of lust there, a prideful thought here, a judgement towards other people spoken then and there and before you realize it you are ensnared and conditioned to think and feel in a way that seems normal to a worldly mindset. Desires which once seemed so harmful are now natural. Critiquing other peoples behavior, instead of praying and building others up soon becomes the norm. I'm writing this to myself as much as anybody it is so easy as Christians to fall into the traps the devil lays for us. 

 I have noticed in my time working retail that Sunday is usually the day I receive the least amount of tips and notice the greatest degree of unhappiness in people. This fact has always puzzled and amazed me. 

My personal encounter with God

   Many people today: when they talk about God, they know alot about him like an outsider looking in and observing Him than having just been with Him, many times we are happy to hear from Moses. In society a Moses could be an actor or influential artists, because we wanna be with "Moses", take a selfie with him, rather than the God he represents, they can be connected to him directly.. Really know him. we can get so into people and not realize we can walk up that mountain ourself. You've got to go up that mountain, where you come into the presence of God.  There's something amazing when  you go up that mountain alone an its just you and God. 

Lets snap back 2,000 years real quickly: Oh, to see Jesus deeply moved and weeping outside Jerusalem's walls right before he was about to be crucified. To see the deep emotion and soul cleaving anguish in his tear filled eyes as he struggles to articulate his sincere sorrow for their hard unrepentant hearts..Just forget about the rules, the moral predicaments, the doxology, religious ideals, political debates surrounding world crises today and take a moment to reflect on Jesus deep emotion, knowing his impending belittlement and execution was at hand, weeping over their sins. Yet how many of those are within those walls right now, fortified, by physical securities: health, wealth, friends, education and a litany of other freedoms. 

Lets flash back to my personal journey of faith. I got out and biked today for the first time in months, the weather was hot yet somehow it didn't bother me, after biking 15 miles a day in the snow to get to work, spending the holidays: christmas and thanksgiving alone, isolated on the Palouse like a sad recluse; yeah that was a dark time in my life. The point of me saying this is not to garner self-pity, for I ask it from no one, I took risks and made mistakes, and I will own my mistakes. Ill fortune went against me no doubt, but the point I want to make is my spending that time alone, isolated in inclement weather, fighting to survive was time for deep soul searching. It built character and matured me a bit. I always said "I would work out the hardiness of my soul on the undulating hills of the Palouse". Little did I realize the extent of how much those prophetic words came true. One day I'll look back at Pullman and say "that was the best thing that happened to me" although a lot of the memories may not have been great, it taught me what was important in life. 

If somebody asked me to stand up in the front of a room and give a speech to inspire others to find their personal greatness I I would say something like this "Don't do like I did, let myself get sidetracked..Wasted the prime of my life pursuing relationships that weren't real. Is there nothing that will not one day pass? We must find what is not fortune in this world. There is no hiding place where trouble will not find you. The world lives by trickery, if you wanna succeed, you can't be too good, it's the little things in life that are worth focusing on, worth noting, worth cherishing, these are the only things the world can't take away.  From a financial and educational standpoint my time in Idaho would seem like colossal failure, Yet from a  spiritual a maturation standpoint it was great success. Your mentality is indeed everything. The times people took care of me and looked out for me is what I love to remember best. I've taken risks, Iv'e made mistakes, yet Iv'e also owned those mistakes. Life is tough. The question is, what are you going to do about it? Moaning and groaning won't secure your future. Neither will blaming Wall Street, the big bankers, corporate America, or the government, Growing up my parents taught me the same formula for success that you probably learned: Go to school, study hard, and get good grades so you can get a secure high paying job with benefits and your job will take care of you. But that's industrial age thinking and we're not in the industrial age anymore. Your jobs not going to take care of you, the government will not take care of you. Nobodies going to take care of you It's a new century and the rules have changes. If you want a solid future...YOU need to create it. Don't be distracted by modern day headlines there is always some idiotic buzz going on that tries to pull your attention away from the serious business of building your life. Whither its terrorism, recession or the latest election cycle scandals, its got nothing to do with what you need to be doing today to build your future. But what is your future? If it's this life alone then being a "christian" and "having faith" is a great mistake. I'm not trying to create arguments of persuasion to build a "better you" what I am saying however, from my own personal  experiences is that faith matters. And divine help matters.

Plato himself was quoted to say “I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing" What Plato realized was the starting point we must all arrive at. Is this not the beginning of wisdom? Even Paul himself agreed to the hidden truth of godliness being a mystery as to a riddle needing to be solved. Beyond all question, the mystery from which true godliness springs is great: The great eternal riddle..the mystery of the ages.

We must "sort out the madness" so to speak. that is our goal, in order to take hold of our eternal destiny by seeing what is real life. Those who desire riches and $ in the next life will sell all they have here in order to "gain" if we really lived eternally and saw death as a mere transition to a higher form of life with greater cognitive reasoning skills and a physical apparatus with built-in abilities to ascertain greater heights of pleasure, we'd be doing alot more to live for that existence and not give it all away to the current biological freak show of surface level materialistic decay around us. 

For life is a fickle thing. It seems life brings us more loss than success, more pain than gain and yet, in spite of all that: we fight tooth and nail to hang on 'despite the hardships' to life for just another 5 minutes. Whatever the pain that attends life, we desire to keep experiencing it. Because the other side is shrouded in mystique we've never experienced, we would rather bear the ills we have, than embrace the uncertainty of the unknown. He then says "Thus conscience doth make cowards of us all" -Plato 

Author and film maker, Trey Smith greatly influenced my current thinking, if you havent heard of him watch his Youtube documentaries. Entities  a no-nonsense account about the machinery behind our current world...... and this exclusionary thing we call reality coupled the current level of deception, of evil ones harvesting the souls of those creatures (humans) and the matrix --the machine---
As was once stated:

 "I once dreamed of a world unhindered by machines..."

That world exists..just not in this dimension.."

The machinary are the demons behind the scenes manipulating the structures surrounding us..they follow their leader Satan and their aim is your perdition, we all have them, vile enemies of the soul...But they fight a losing war like the CSA after Gettysburg, Calvary was their "Waterloo" or "High Water Mark" of the rebellion..

I've felt like an ant with 6 legs, stumbling and struggling with a heavy load six times heavier than my body weight. Such an ant was found in the book "Till We Have Faces" in Oruals vision. To make a picture of the pieces, you have to be a right piece in order to connect where God wants to connect you, for we were all eternal beings, life does not end anywhere, death is merely a transition unto that which is real life, a higher form of pleasure, for we were designed friends, to co-author eternity with the most high.

If we are transformed into a new likeness, one like Jesus, then our desires will change as well; a propensity to sin will be completely removed with a fervent desire for good works. Can you imagine a world where joy will be unending? Pain and selfish ambition done away with, forever and ever, where restrictions are removed since our new nature and appreciation for God will be transformed. Free-will was and always will be there but due to the understanding of the depravity of sin that we are experiencing in this world, and that understanding is all in order that we may appreciate Christ that much more in the next, when the struggle will be ended. We will not be robots forced to obey his will but newborn saints filled with deep appreciation and awe for what our Savior has done for us. Without the cross, we could never understand the fullness of Jesus love for us. Measures of restraint will be removed.

For what is the Law? "It was added because of transgressions, and how would we know what it was to covet, or to lust, or to steal without the law?  This is what Paul is stating in the New Testament. Now that the fullness of all our transgression are removed through the power of the cross we can "respond" to others in gratitude.

I used to think Jesus and the cross was an old story that happened 2,000 years ago, about a man "Jesus" who did alto of good things, made some bold claims and was crucified. But now I see a clearer picture as my relationship with him grows. I see the cross and its power as ongoing, following his saints throughout history with every drop of blood covering future transgressions, even those we have yet to commit. It is not just some story in history, or some ethereal experience. What happened on that cross 2,000 years ago still follows us today, and the blood of Christ is continually pleaded over our sins by the intercession of our Savior as I type these very words....kind of changes your perspective a bit when you get to know Jesus in this way. 

Sunday, June 17, 2018


 "Yet not to thine eternal resting-place 
 Shalt thou retire alone, thou shalt lie down 
 with patriarchs of the infant world—with kings, 
 The powerful of the earth—the wise, the good, 
 fair forms, and hoary seers of ages past, 
 all in one mighty sepulcher. The hills 
 rock-ribbed and ancient as the sun,—the vales 
 stretching in pensive quietness between;
 the venerable woods—rivers that move
 In majesty, and the complaining brooks
 that make the meadows green; and, poured round all,
 Old Ocean’s gray and melancholy waste,—
 are but the solemn decorations all
 Of the great tomb of man. The golden sun,
 The planets, all the infinite host of heaven,
 Are shining on the sad abodes of death,
 Through the still lapse of ages. All that tread
 The globe are but a handful to the tribes
 That slumber in its bosom.—Take the wings
 of morning, pierce the wilderness,
 Or lose thyself in the continuous woods
 Where rolls the Oregon, and hears no sound,
 Save his own dashings—yet the dead are there:
 And millions in those solitudes, since first
 The flight of years began, have laid them down
 In their last sleep—the dead reign there alone.
So shalt thou rest, and what if thou withdraw
 In silence from the living, and no friend
 Take note of thy departure? All that breathe
 will share thy destiny. The gay will laugh
When thou art gone, the solemn brood of care
 plod on, and each one as before will chase
 His favorite phantom; yet all these shall leave
 Their mirth and their employments, and shall come
And make their bed with thee. As the long train
 Of ages glide away, the sons of men,
 The youth in life’s green spring, and he who goes
 In the full strength of years, matron and maid,
 The speechless babe, and the gray-headed man—
 Shall one by one be gathered to thy side,
 By those, who in their turn shall follow them.
So live, that when thy summons comes to join
 The innumerable caravan, which moves
 To that mysterious realm, where each shall take
 His chamber in the silent halls of death,
 Thou go not, like the quarry-slave at night,
 Scourged to his dungeon, but, sustained and soothed
 By an unfaltering trust, approach thy grave,
 Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch
 About him, and lies down to pleasant dreams."

-William Cullen Bryant  (circa)1817

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Why we losing our generation of "Millennials" in Church.

-Only 2 in 10 Americans under 30 believe attending a church is important or worthwhile (an all time low)
-59% of millennials raised in church have dropped out
-35% of millennials have an anti-church stance
-Millennials are the least likely age group of anyone to attend church.
Despite the steep drop off in millennials. most church's seem to be continuing on with business as usual. Sure, maybe add a bowling night here or there but no one seems to be reacting with any level of concern that matches these STAGGERING statistics. Q: Where is the task-force searching for the lost generation? Where is the introspective reflection necessary when 1/3 of a generation is ANTI-CHURCH? I read a blog recently that offered solutions in chronological order: 1. Problem: Nobody is listening to us: Millennials value voice and receptivity above all else. Solution: create outlets: involve millennials in more regular leadership opportunities to serve the outside communities needs, opposed to creating an exclusive "clickish" hierarchy. Fraternities do a better job of this than many churches. 2. We are sick of hearing about values and mission statements: "Why does every church need its own mission statement anyway? Sweet Moses, people give it a rest. Jesus was insanely clear about our purpose on earth. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is love thy neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these. "Love God, love others, task completed. Why does every church need its own mission statement anyway? Aren't we all one body of Christ serving one God? What would happen if the entire American church came together in our commonalities and used the same, concise mission statement?
The solution is simple. Stop wasting time on the religious, mambo jambo and get back to the heart of the gospel. If you have to explain your mission and values to the church, it's overly religious and too complicated. And when we enact "church membership" it becomes exclusive, and "cultish". Were not impressed with the hours you brag about spending behind closed doors wrestling with "Christianese" words on a paper. We're impressed with actions and service. Helping the poor has become not a priority anymore. Just clock the hours members spend in bible studies, meetings, groups, social functions, book clubs, church funding events vs....the hours spent serving the least of these........ugh awkward. If the numbers are not at least equal please check your bible for better comprehension "If our lives do not reflect radical compassion for others in need, there is cause to wonder if Christ is even in us at all" Lastly everyone is tired of the church blaming the culture. Perhaps its easier to focus on how terrible the world is out there than actually address the mess within. Put the "end times" rhetoric to rest and focus on real solutions and real impact in the immediate community while explicitly showing how our lives should differ from the mainstream cultures Example: Organize a group of millennials to visit the jailhouse once or twice a week and reach out to those people.
Most millennials want to be mentored not preached at. Preaching just doesn't reach our techno-savvy generation the same way it did our grandparents and great-grandparents. We have millions of podcast and YouTube videos for that reason the currency of good preaching is at its lowest value in history -- Millennials crave relationship, to have someone walking beside them through the muck. They are looking for mentors authentically invested in their lives, if we don't have real people who actually care about us, why not listen to a sermon from the couch with the ecstasy of doughnuts and sweatpants. Create a network base of mentors and younger millennial's looking for someone to talk with them about controversial issues, because people want to feel valued....Only then can real change to the public perception of the church as a whole begin to happen. I read Paul's blueprint in the New Testament on how a church should behave and I think...wow, in America...we aren't doing this.. We are failing at being the aroma of Christ because we've made it into an aroma of Doctrine, abandoned our spiritual moorings and drifted far from true religion which is described by James as this: looking after the orphans and widows in their distress, serving everyone in need regardless of culture, color, class or capactiy....end rant.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

They sold their souls for Rock N' Roll" and the "Stairway to Hell"

     I recently watched all 5 episodes of the documentary and Youtube series: "They sold their souls for Rock N' Roll". It was pretty alarming to me how many famous artists did actually sell their soul to the devil for $ and fame. For example, even the Beatles were heavily influenced by Satanist "Aleister Crowley". Hitler (a Crowley disciple) and Crowley himself were both displayed on the Beatle’s “Sergeant Pepper” Album. The undercurrents can be found in the composition of the song “My Sweet Lord” (with the chorus headlining) "Hallelujah..Hare Krishna." Krishna is a dark underworld god/demon that is prominent in the Buddha and Hindu religions. It’s easy to get lulled into a spiritual slumber by the lyrics “my sweet lord” and “hallelujah” while feeling the pleasurable dopamine releases in the brain, not realizing you are unwittingly paying homage to dark gods. Even famous guitarist Jimmy Hendrix admitted to a spirit taking over his fingers and controlling his onstage movements. He notes after he dropped acid at Woodstock: “The guitar turned into a snake and my fingers were not my own”. A dark entity was evidently behind his rise to fame as he admitted to being possessed and not his own on stage and subject to violent and unpredictable mood swings. 

Robert Johnson, who many call "The grandfather of Rock N' Roll" stands at the crossroads
of American music, due in no small part to a popular folk legend that he once stood at a Mississippi crossroads and sold his soul to the devil in exchange for guitar-playing prowess. Yet this story has gained weight through his own family members saying overnight he turned from a "wannabe" with a screechy voice and terrible guitar skills to the most gifted guitarist the world had yet seen, equipped with an uncanny ability to play both rifts and cords simultaneously. Those who heard him perform live would say "It was almost as if two guitars were being played at the same time and the rare combination was beautiful". To who does he owe this powerful transformation? We can only guess he had aide..

The more you dig into the personal biographies and on-stage testimonies, you will be intriqued by the discovery that a large portion of the lyrics for famous rock n’ roll songs were accompliched through sorcery, channeling and automatic handwriting. Many composers will tell a similar story of a spirit taking over the writing of the lyrics, the stage and even the choreographed rhymthic movements of the performers as well. They will also give credit to that mysterious spirit who occassionally visits them in their homes to whisper "sweet nothings" in their ears for the next batch of successful composition. Many will admit to ethereal encounters as the bluepring for their  notoriety and smashing success. The sad part is humanity is a mere illusional backdrop for them as they work behind the scenes. Many, if not all of these famous Rock n’ Roll “legends” are mere puppets/ mediums /conduits, if you will, for dark underworld gods to channel for their sinister purposes, all in order to promote an unbiblical demonic agenda. Lead Satanist Aleister Crowley’s  “Do what thou will” motto, prominent through the hippie/psychedelic movement in the 60’s-70’s has deceived and influenced millions. The more psychedelic drugs one does, the more doors one opens for mental and physical manipulation. 

For example, when Carlos Santana plays guitar it appears as if he were a man possessed, and that the guitar itself is a wailing spirit. It may sound ethereal to say that, but keep in mind, he DOES get possessed when he plays. So as much as it may seem silly, it is not something Carlos Santana denies. He very much considers himself a conduit for a larger being that chooses to play through him. Many would say he is just a vessel. He, himself, would admit to this. Let us start our journey on that note. 

Now flash back a bit with me, to 1998. Carlos Santana is meditating. There are candles lit around him, and he is in a deeply meditative state. A being he refers to as Metatron comes to him in a very clear vision and says:

"We want to hook you back in to the radio air-wave frequency. We want you to reach junior high schools, high schools, and universities. Once you reach them –  we are going to connect you with the best artists of the day – then we want you to present them a new menu. Let them know that they are, themselves, multi-dimensional spirits with enormous possibilities and opportunities. We want you to inform them with a new form of existence that transcends religion, politics, or the modus operandi of education today."

I would love to tell you I made that up. That I just came up with that, but the fact is, it was in a Rolling Stone interview. As a matter of fact. Pretty much any interview or article you read about Santana will have references to Metatron and how the Supernatural album came to be. What I am telling you now is not private news. It is just news most people ignore or glance over. But I’m sorry. I tend to not glance over someone telling me something came to them and told him to win them teens over (and win them away from politics and organized religion?). I am sorry, but that is basic Antichrist stuff, right there. Why don’t we take a moment to really talk about the above quote?

First off, he says his “angel” is Metatron. Sure enough, if you look up Metatron, there is a great amount of info about him being an archangel and, potentially, the ruler of the Tree of Life. But if you look deeper into demon possession, you will see in most cases the demon gives off a fake name. A name that will lull the person seeking them into a false sense of safety. It seems as Santana sold his soul in seeking riches, he was also blind to the fact that was being played by them like an instrument in the same way he plays his guitar. 

Jim Van Morrison, artist of the hit single "brown eyed girl" was quoted by his fellow band mates to have many different voices while performing on stage and his erratic behavior terrified them at times. In one of his biographies, and I quote "On stage (Morrison) came alive and was the most exciting and dynamic performer I'd ever seen. He would go through trips on stage, you woudn't believe the personalities that would come out of him. the intensity that would speak to the audience. 15,000 people would just be hushed, stopped, not even breathing. Man, when I was on stage with that guy I don't know who was playing the organ. Sure it was my fingers, but...? Implying that the same forces who took control of Jim Morrison took control of his fingers. Jim Morrison biographers in the book  "The last Waltz" point out "he was opening himself to be used and abused by any spiritual entity that happened to come along. The result may have been  some amazing inspirations, but also a tragically restless, misdirected life"

Bob Dylan as well during a nationally televised interview on 60 minutes admitted candidly in a cryptic message, to making a pact with the devil:

Ed Bradley: Why do you still do it? Why are you still out here?
Dylan: It goes back to that destiny thing. I made a bargain with it a long time ago, and I’m holding up my end.
Bradley: What was your bargain? 
Dylan: To get where I am now.
Bradley: Should I ask whom you made the bargain with?
Dylan: With the chief commander.
Bradley: On this earth?
Dylan: (laughing) On this earth and the world we can’t see"

And then there was the Beyonce' Super bowl 2013 performance where millions saw her
physical appearance transform onstage after she flashed several luciferean and
occultic signs. Beyonce' herself admitted to being possessed onstage by the dark spirit "Sasha Fierce". As you can clearly see nobody home in exhibit A to the right.

Even arguably, the most famous Rock N' Roll song of all time "Stairway to Heaven" was composed in a 10 minute span by Jimmy Page, who later goes on to say he was writing so quickly and without thought he doesn’t recall what he wrote. “The lyrics just came to me and my hands flew off the page. I didn’t write it. The idea was not my own”. The song is mere byproduct of the mystic, new age movement and promotes a false way to heaven. The song pays homage to the dark god "hamelin" displayed in ancient literature with a pipe in his hand. And a new day will dawn for those who stand with him long, the forests will echo with laughter. (the new-age anti-Christ is the piper that will lead all who will follow the tune of the devil into hell - the new day is the new-age - it's a counterfeit of the Bible verses that tell us those who stand for Jesus to the end will be saved.) Further lyrics in this song further illiterate the thick spidery web of deception, such as "Its just a spring clean for the May queen". (the queen of heaven again, mayday was an ancient pagan fertility celebration)

Your head is humming and it won’t go, In case you don’t know: The pipers calling you to join him. (once again, I reiterate, the piper is not your friend) 

Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow, And did you know: Your stairway lies on the whispering wind. (the wind is a spirit - you can choose to follow the Holy Spirit or evil spirits.)  

Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven. (demons try to turn us away from God and toward sin through our thoughts.)

There's more lyrics about the evil lady however..."There’s a lady whose sure all that glitters is gold and she’s buying a stairway to heaven. When she gets there, she knows if the stores are all closed with a word she can get what she came for.

(Occult alchemy.  Some people live as though material things have lasting value. Some believe they can buy, with money or sex, whatever they want.  An ancient fertility goddess called the queen of heaven - ancient devil worship.  It's a blasphemy verse as money, material things and sex have no place or value in God's heaven.)

Lyrics (cont..) There's a feeling I get when I look to the west, And my spirit is crying for leaving. (in ancient times, the west, the direction of the sunset, was the direction of hell - sadly, children of darkness long to return home to their master where death and destruction awaits them)

The “Red HotChili Peppers” for one, publicly thanked Satan after winning a Grammy award.
It’s really quite tragic and sad at how deceived most of us are when you peel the layers back 😔


Thursday, January 4, 2018

The Saints are Coming Home

Sometimes I’ll see in my minds eyes what I refer to as “The falling man” on a cold moonlit night, a lone figure:

The Son of God...

Falling on his face almost unable to bear the crushing weight he was about to carry. The Rock of Ages planted in humiliating fashion. 

I see the image again after I sin egregiously - a man falling on his face- amid the moonlit glow, struck down in the line of duty for that very sin I committed. I see him carrying that sin all the way to the cross. I see him pleading before the father not to punish me for that sin as he’s pointing to his side and nail scarred wrist “that one, I paid for it too My Father”. 

I see a risen savior setting captives free in paradise, as comforting angels surround them...

All are echoing the same chorus: “he’s approaching, he’s coming soon, your sins are right now being atoned for, wait for it. “We are going to see The King”. 

A giant explosion rends the air...

The son of God himself, closely followed by the the ransomed thief on the  cross ruptures the outer wall...

Cries of joy rend the air...

 A loud voice splits the sky: 

 “follow me!”

Out the redeemed saints pour, led by their fearless leader Jesus Christ, the keys of death and hades anchored to his side...

Into the halls of heaven they pour...

Now arising from the Throne of the most High, in a  welcome gesture toward his son who is now followed by myriads of angels and redeemed saints in tow is His Father “Well done my faithful Son, well done” What a greeting it was too as heavens gates swung open wide “Make way for the Kings Son! Is the cry, as angels jostle to get a better view of the scene unfolding...

Look! they cry in one accord: “The saints are coming home!”

He did it...

The Son of Man has completed his mission..

After our sad procession following his exit from the Highest and descent to earth to become a man, surely we thought we’d never see him again. All the straining into the mysteries of His Divine plan, no longer rendered necessary ...

All the constructs in heaven we’ve been making? 

It makes sense now, those dwellings will now be filled...

There had been a sad day in Heaven once before, when Satan fell, and dragged with him a third of the stars of heaven, and when the Son of God launching from his great right hand the Omnipotent thunders, dashed the rebellious crew to the pit of perdition...

 But if we could conceive a grief in heaven, that must have been a sadder day, when the Son of the Most High left his Father's realm, where he had lain from before all worlds. "Go!," says the Father, "and thy Father's blessing on your head!"

 Then comes the unrobing. How do angels crowd around to see the Son of God take off his robes He laid aside his crown; he said, "My father, I am Lord over all, blessed for ever, but I will lay my crown aside, and be as mortal men are." He strips himself of his bright vest of glory; "Father," he says, "I will wear a robe of clay, just such as men wear." Then he takes off all those jewels wherewith he was glorified; he lays aside his starry mantles and robes of light, to dress himself in the simple garments of the peasant of Galilee. What a solemn disrobing that must have been! 

And next, can you picture the dismissal! 

The angels attend the Saviour through the streets, until they approach the doors: when an angel cries, "Lift up your heads, O ye gates, and be ye lifted up ye everlasting doors, and let the king of glory through!" Oh! methinks the angels must have wept when they lost the company of Jesus—when the Sun of Heaven bereaved them of all its light. 

But they went after him. They descended with him; and when his spirit entered into flesh and he became a babe, he was attended by that mighty host of angels, who after they had been with him to Bethlehem's manger, and seen him safely, laid on his mother's breast, in their journey upwards appeared to the shepherds and told them that he was born king of the Jews. The Father sent him! Contemplate that subject. Let your soul get hold of it, and in every period of his life think that he suffered what the Father willed; that every step of his life was marked with the approval of the great I AM." 

Countless mythical allegories pointing to this great day, litter our literature these days:

“The ring bearer completing his mission...

Yet, only after covertly penetrating the heart of the dark lords kingdom..

In allegorical terms he was throwing the very mechanisms of hatred, greed and malice into the fires of destruction yet redeeming the prize...

Harry Potter only after the means of laying down his life finally defeats Voldemort. Yet again..A sacrificial redemptive element.

In Greek literature: Perseus, the half-God half man rescuing his captive bride andromeda (Christ’s church) from being consumed by the Kraken then returning with her and the beheaded Medusa in his hand. It all points to a bigger picture”

Back to the story at hand however: the damned in hell see them leave paradise which was adjacent to their position separated by an expanse...

Yet sadly, it only adds to their despair. 

All hope of ever being redeemed or rescued is lost...

LOST! Forever! 

Damned!!! Forever! Are the despairing wails that rend the hellborn sky..

Jesus would soon after his horrific death culminating in crucifixion be descending to Hades..

His proclamation however was not one of redemption....

Yet, a woeful one of judgement and eternal fire. 

After his 3 days preaching in the belly of Hell Jesus returned to reclaim his earthly body and encourage his followers. “As Jonah was 3 days in the belly of the whale so will the son of man be the heart if the earth” it says (eg. in other translations): Hades. The ABUSO: the inhabitation of the dead..

Tombs were broke open on this great resurrection day...

And many saints were reunited with their bodies. They then walked among the city.

Yet... The earth was still dark at this hour....

A very catastrophic event was occuring within our whole timeline (BC/AD) gets shaken up...A great rendition is transpiring..

Possibly these saints were rewarded with their bodies before the forthcoming advancement of heralded multitudes... 

Prophets possibly?

 The rest is conjecture, but I’d assume the resurrection of our bodies along with our spirits will not transpire til later, thus it would be a divine precursor to forthcoming events and means  of strengthening their earthborn families left to linger until they transpire here on earth. 

The dead who were raised on this great day could have been a comforting show to their loved ones, revealing the marvelous truth - that they were indeed more alive and well than them on earth even.

This kindles my spirit with seraphic flames and gets me excited...

Jesus is coming back accompanied with great  pomp. Spiritual warfare is real and their is much fighting still to be done on this battlefield between the two eternal homes before we the redeemed are carried up into glory and receive our rest. Amen  🙏