Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The Deception

        It is my strong belief that God really is, the very definition of God is the intelligent existence holding the entire fabric of universe together, to the air you breathe around you, to the love you see in others; yet, you, I and everyone "living" is bound to this dying place and its broken systems in our biological bodies. Thus, your soul and your flesh are both struggling to go two very different directions. This system "negative energy" a separated (quarantined) system. It is a system under the control of the prince of this world and those with him whose time of CHOICE has passed. While unconnected and in this flesh, we are all under the thumb of the things we cannot see. the world around and even our own flesh can be compared to a bicycle going downhill that can and will gain speed until such point that it reaches a velocity, that without outside intervention, will ultimately meet with disaster of one form or another. This is the default setting. The automated direction that mankind blindly moves when God's light of all that is, was, or remains to come involving that indwelling connection to Him are willfully, or even subconsciously, cast aside in the great pursuit of the sin which may indeed summarize all sin: Self-will. In the grandness of all the stars, the solar systems, the world within worlds, the great beyond and all that which this feeble human mind would shutter to understand, we are such a speck; a tiny, tiny speck. We, and when I say we, I really mean I as well as everyone else have fancied ourselves as little kings, self-important, self-proclaimed gods to which all should bow to recognize our trite conquests, trials, problems and achievements. It is like a drop of water telling the ocean how important it is. But God despite all that still strives to connect with us, trying to undo this curse with incredible care and patience. The programmer is undoing the virus from within.

    This world is eternity's pit stop and heaven will make Disneyland look like a Honeybucket. God says I've made a place for you that will supersede even your wildest dreams and imaginations. But to understand a Way Out, in order to get there we have no choice but to understand where we are "NOW." Let me introduce you to the "spiritual ghetto," the dark end of eternity's street. This is simply the world you and I were born into, the "testing ground." Perhaps the place the Programmer sorts out the parts that He wishes to keep most. It was at our conception that we made the CHOICE that our Maker has tried to undo with incredible care, patience and self-sacrifice. You see, it was the first of our kind that invited in the virus that is this present darkness; turning our cradle into this quarantine. The program, once perfect, is now infected. It is a hollow shell, dying a piece at a time. Most things here will never escape. Worse still, there comes an hour on the horizon when this hollow cancer, and everything confined inside of it, will be herded into an even smaller cage. In that cage, those who were not pulled from this place by connection to their Creator will be as spiritual infants in the unfriendly claws of ancient things; pleasure puppets for condemned beasts. Make no mistake, you have been born into a very hostile and dangerous place

    A spiritual apocalypse is sweeping across our nation, the enemy is using deception and illusions, lulling many into a spiritual slumber, even in something as innocent as Disney; the more you look into it, the illuminatis warped illusions and hidden agendas are clear. Basically, we're all not right in the head the sin virus has infiltrated our central nervous system. We only wish to devour another, and what I am telling you is this is not physical. We feast on peoples failures. It's mental, psychological not always tangible but we do attack others in order to gain ill conceived nourishment. In the pre-flood days there were giants and hybrid angels that would literally rape the woman and consume the men, this is not fantasy, this was reality. Without God we have a complete apocalyptic nightmare as it is quoted "watch out that you are not consumed by one another" I doubt this is referring to physical consummation.  without a God given conscious of right and wrong we are all spiritual zombies.

   We are all entering a time frame nowdays where many people are "ultra religious", where there is a good degree of superstition, everything is spiritualized. However being ultra religious isn't always a good thing. The Pharisees were ultra religious. This day and age there is extreme curiosity about things of supernatural origin. I've watched Trey Smiths recent documentaries on entities, and if you haven't seen it go to his YouTube channel and watch it. People really talk to these things. Not just "hey this guy said this I think I heard that", "I think there's a weird thing over there" "look it moved on the table" because as that cup is scooting across and we are on this side playing games, it's not. It's got an objective and the thing (entity) whatever it is you want to call it operates like a computer virus. It's trying to "plug in and make entrance" it's main motion isn't moving chips on a Ouija board or cups across a table. Now I think it's important to be said to find out the backdrop and interweave that into what they are trying to do. "What is it always saying?" Look at the correlations. The question is "why is it moving the cup?" It's main mode of operation is not cup sliding but through people --the human mind. The bible is redundant on this "bringing every thought captive" because the mind is like a computer box which outsiders can make entrance "hey, listen hey this is what you really need" and then we line that with what Christ says. Now the objective of a virus is for something to take control of the system and to destroy the property of the system-to subvert it if you will. That's what those pushy thoughts originate from, now why would your mind convince you to do something--why would you convince you?? Are you not you? So what's doing the marketing? There's more I could go into with this. But all I want to leave you with is this: spiritual warfare is very real. This isn't Genesis 6 stuff, they're influencing all of us and largely unnoticed. This is one of the first generations in history that doesn't understand this as common knowledge, I mean they've been practicing this stuff for centuries and lately the sales pitch has been "Gods not real this world and it's surface level materialism is all there is". Yet I want to tell you in truth, it is my hearts desire to lay this before your eyes and inform you that there is a daily struggle being waged over your mind your will your emotions and most importantly like the hard drive to a computer system "your soul". That thing on the other side that is making the cup slide is just thrilled to death we would even give it the time of day. Yet we KNOW the God of the universe the very thing it also fears the most and I'm telling you that thing has nothing to offer you--except side effects and more problems like a little 14 yr old in your house who keeps using the last of the toilet paper and won't go get a job.

    Lastly I wanted to share this: most psychologists would agree that we as people emulate the personality traits of those who we spend the most time around. If we spend alot of time with Jesus we will begin to behave and even act like him. This is why long distance relationships are hard. God isn't out there so far that you have to pick up the phone and hope don't get a busy signal or have to leave another voicemail, we send these quick text messages of prayer like requests without understanding every thought and desire you experience He is not surprised by. He already knows you yet he  doesn't want a 'long-distance relationship, He wants a personal, deep heartfelt one, where every desire is cast at the foot of the cross and every ill-conceived thought of doubt, anger and fear is cast at the foot of the cross. Who wants us to experience a love so vast, so wide and so deep that all he says is "give me your sins" I will carry them myself all the way the way to Calvary all to cure your heart and minds. Do you know him? Because you got to have him. 

"I want you to matter who you are.. that God is very, very Real.... and He loves you more than you can even know.... As people we have trouble understanding what that love is, and also not fully understanding what the love of God Himself is" -Trey Smith.  

The motivation behind NY Best Sellers (authors) and their worldviews: A search for God

      This is a question that interests me. When one reads a great book it is always important to see what motivates the author?

Some people write them because their faith is a tyranny,  being afraid of the emotional power of faith they seek an escape---so they use reason to subvert faith.

Others wish to devalue established ideals in the hope of introducing a new systematic code of conduct. The result is a misleading one, and plunges the reader into a tangled web of subjective realities created in the powerful illusion of the authors mind.

We should always question the underlying basis and motivation for any book/movie and NY Times Bestseller in order to formulate your own assumptions for why that book is popular? And how can it correlate to fixing societies problems? Star Wars for example; George Lucas was an inclusionist, his idea of religion involved incorporating ideas of faith, good vs evil, spiritual auras, divine destinies, on the basis of conviction and self sacrifice. Harry Potter follows these themes throughout as well.

For example what is the underlying groundwork the forces of darkness pitch in Star Wars and Harry Potter in order to dupe its prospects? The same ideals that swung the most righteously ardent into the most sinister of evil characters in these works: Power and greed, the same lie a human being fell for 6,000 years ago in a garden.

So what I am getting at is this: When one approaches the topic of reality and religion with an open mind it can be easy not overly difficult to understand truth vs certain deception.

      My first question I would ask to the world and notable historians is this: why is there a search for the historical Jesus? The next question would be how would you prove such a person did exist? Obviously if you would want to prove Jesus is God you would need evidence from God: a document or statement that was demonstrably divine, exhibiting qualities eternity, infinity or omnipotence and as these qualities cannot be comprehended by human beings the chances of us recognizing such a divine testimony is slim. But supposing you just wanted to prove there was a human being such as the Son of God?

How does someone demonstrate someone lived 2,000 years ago? There is no physical evidence, no remains that can be exhumed, no photograph or painting outside of the shroud of turin (which is in itself highly controversial) that could be examined for clues. It comes as a shock you can't prove the existence of anyone from the past! Not in the sense you can prove the piece of fish that made you ill last night was contaminated by mercury poisoning. You just know it was a bad fish based on how you felt, which is exactly where faith, based on substantiated conviction comes into play. Napolean, Pontius Pilate, Abraham Lincoln for example: how do you know they existed? Can you weigh them? Examine their chemical composition, understand their genetic structure except in genetic terms? No you cant, but one thing is for sure all 3 of these figures, wrote about this man Jesus Christ and throughout their own personal lives were very influenced by Him.

     The First thing we need to understand is that in every single case where we react to a historical figure, we are reacting to the ideas those people had in their lifetime and how those same ideals apply to your personal life, thus shaping your worldview. Look at the 'evidence' we have for the existence of Jesus. In every single case it turns into the evidence of what people during his lifetime and to a greater extent after his time believed about him, which also shaped their 'worldview' and altered their destinies. This is normal and true for all of what we regard as historical. History is a record not of facts but of beliefs, and all throughout history the underlying theme for the worlds problems that perpetuates at compound interest is a faulty belief system based on greed and power, opposed to humility and love which were chief character traits of Jesus Christ himself.

Now this is not the same as saying history is unknowable or imaginative. We and our ancestors are capable of comprehending what happens to us and evaluating those experiences to some degree of light, sometimes however that light is filtered by this little personal irritant that gets called 'the ego'. Now for example one of the most educated men of his day 'the apostle Paul' understood the significance of surrendering the ego and its desires to the will of a higher power. Paul was not concerned with the life and facts of Jesus existence. A blinding light from heaven was more than enough to awaken him from his stubborn spiritual slumber into a newly enlightened mindset. No he was not concerned with the trivial details of his life but of his death, and how that death brought new spiritual life to us "For me to live is Christ and to die is gain" Phil 1:21

My final and last point has to do with "insurrectionist" or "System upheavals" There have been countless riots inspired by riotous leaders throughout history which led to political reformation. You can track it back to "Korahs rebellion" in the early stages o f the Bible. Or even Spartacus, who like Jesus was brutally crucified. History once again is full of a record of "beliefs" opposed to "facts". I am merely questioning the motives behind these movements. Lets go back to Nietzsches statement "God is dead" given as revealed truth. The moral law as found in the Ten Commandments was being declared by Nietzsche as shattered, irrelevant. He was stating that the world of spirit was not the essence of the world. And he was rejecting the great moral teachings of Jesus, which expanded the truths of the Ten Commandments and made a new, non-legalistic basis for morality possible in our fallen and sinful world. This is what what happens when we remove God from the equation and trust to subjective truths and moral relativism. Bear in mind Nietzsche had a deep influence on Hitlers motives and dogmatic thinking. This new type of thinking would be characterized as having a "will to power," the power to literally create and even reverse moral values in a fundamental way. Nietzsche called this the "transvaluation" of values. Although various attempts have been made to formulate and formalize these "new values," no document with the authority and power of the Ten Commandments or the Sermon on the Mount as found in the Gospel of Matthew has yet been written. But there is a New Ten Commandments being promoted throughout all Western institutions. Although undocumented, it is insidious and pervasive. It is a synthesis of the deconstructed concepts that have driven Western civilization since the pre-Socratics and up through the 19th century. To describe it as "political correctness" or "leftism" would be true, but it would also be an oversimplification. This ("supermen,") thinking  albeit without the cape and large red S on a blue shirt, acts on new principles whereby the "bad" is transformed into good. Thus, compassion and kindness would be "weakness," and ruthless, unprincipled domination of others would be "strength." We see this happening in our world today as it steadily wanders from a Judeo-Christian worldview. I am saying that the reason you don't see Christians rioting and publically demonstrating is for one reason only. Their beliefs don't allow it. Quotes from the bible such as "So far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all" "honor the emperor" etc. would inhibit such a large large sweeping reformation. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The Zombie Zoo (We are currently all in)

"All down the street they're standin' in line with white lipstick and one thing on their mind. Hey little freak with the lunch pail purse. Underneath the paint you're just a little girl.

She disappears at sunrise, I wonder where she goes until the night comes fallin' down again she shows up with her friends half-alive.

You can make a big impression or go through life unseen. You might wind up restricted and over seventeen. It's so hard to be careful, so easy to be led somewhere beyond the pavement you'll find the living dead"

This is some lyrics of Tom Petty's song "zombie zoo". Yet shockingly to most, I believe we are all we all are participants in a bizarre and surreal type of "zombie zoo", either we are walking spiritually dead human beings or regenerated spirits renewed with the inner workings of the Holy Spirit.

In CS Lewis book "Till we have faces" the king of Glome sacrifices his beloved daughter to the gods in order to appease them. He gives up his prettiest and most well liked daughter. She describes her experience to her sister on the morning where she is to be carried up to the mountain and tied to a pole as this: "I wasn't in my right mind when we left the palace. Before the two temple girls began painting and dressing me they gave me a sweet, sticky stuff to drink--a drug, as I guess--for soon after I had swallowed it , everything went dreamlike, and the painting on my face helped the dreaminess too. It made my face stiff till it didn't seem to be my own face, I couldn't feel it was I who was being sacrificed. And then the music and incense and the torches made it more so. I saw you, Orual at the top of the stairwell, but I couldn't even lift a hand to wave to you; my arms were as heavy as lead. And in a sense, it was wasn't it? You'd think the cold air would have given me my mind back when we came out of the grass gates, but the drug must have been still coming to its full power. I had no fear, joy either. Sitting there on that litter up above the heads was a strange enough experience anyway. I began to know that something dreadful was being done to me. Then for the first time I tried to call out I tried to speak that I was just poor Istra., it couldn't be me they meant to kill. "Give her some more" the priest with the a bird headed mask called out. They then put a sweet sticky cup to my lips again."

Now I wanted to use Tom Petty's song and this short script to tie together some of the enemies deceptive schemes. Who is really inside the mask? The veil we all put on that causes so much chaos, identity crisis and upheaval within. Who is this one who "paints on faces to help dreaminess til it makes ones face stiff and no longer even seem our own?" The one puppet master orchestrating the show? Satan will try his best to throw a very convincing pitch line "this world and it's surface level materialism is all that's real" his convincing arguments are not very unlike doctoring up the troll to make it seem less menacing, or the disguised wolf in little red riding hood; the world and its careless frivolities seem so innocuous and harmless, like "dolled up zombies" with decay and death lying dormant underneath the pent up facade. He tries his damnedest to convince us we are in control of our own destinies---even that we will one day live forever in a better world--- just get through this current biological freak show, this maize of difficulties will lead you to a better home, just believe in YOURSELF, you are awesome, just will your way to beat this cancer, this pain, this guilt is merely your conscious playing tricks on you, let your heart be the compass of your soul--- while all around us bodies are failing, friends are dying, wars are raging and chaos is reigning. There are many ploys the enemy uses to lull us into a spiritual slumber until that day overtakes us as a "thief in the night". Drugs, alcohol, sexual manipulations, political power struggles, surround us all. Many of us are not in our right mind in this place. I can attest to this. My mind wanders back to a house full of strobe lights, a tightly packed crowd of sweaty youths that moved in harmony with slurred speech, words of songs that seemed to come out now as gibberish, people moseying about with intoxicated smiles pasted across faces, when your drunk, high or strung out it can be hard to focus on these kind of details.

Rock shows, sleazy night clubs, provocative college bars, seedy underworlds become like a like a seedy pastime, giggles, flirts feels with drug induced chatter, with nameless ladies slithering around this way and that. Excessive cesspools backrooms and private balconies over crowds, the kind of venues that sell glowing liquids in test tubes. Life can easily become a real freak show if you let it. Eyes have to learn to adjust to the constant spinning and spiraling of lights that dance to beats from a dozen different DJ booths. The human body can even come to accept the affects of intense psychedelic drugs as the normal state of things.

What does the enemy offer us but cheap fixes and drugs of choice as solutions to deep rooted emotional and psychological problems? categorized types of narcotics in abundant supply, well organized yet uncatalogued types of acid, a few forms of ecstasy, premier joints of high grade marijuana, a baggie or two of chemically perfected crystal meth, black tar heroine and to top it all off a good pinch of powder cocaine. The end result is we all find ourselves with horrible hangovers and vivid recollections of unsolicited boozy blurs and raunchy nights. Yet always craving more...

We all have been there, some of us have sunk deeper and plummeted further into this downward spiral of addictions and the result is always, dissatisfaction, anger, self-hatred, bitterness, regret, sorrow, pain and misery, so with all these side affects we live for that ever elusive high, that same octane high that once brought such an ecstatic state of emotional well being. Yet it will never be obtained, the first time is like you biting on Satans bait, you saw the enticing lure, you want to feel great, peer pressure and persuasion convince you to take a bite out of that. There it is right at eye level, everyone's doing it, after all I deserve this its been a stressful week "what the hell" All at once *whomph* and you think I really got something there--the demon on the other end of the line as he sets the hook and reels is saying "I was thinking the same thing".

Jesus mentions that he cannot tempt one to sin but all are tempted when they are "lured" and "enticed" by their own desire. To this I would say "who is doing the luring and enticing?" In order to be lured and enticed you have to have "lure-er" and "enticer". Demons and their gangs have been observing us since the creation of the first man, they take note of certain behavioral patterns, invoke generational curses through the bloodlines and assist in destructive behavioral patterns. Satan wants to cleverly dupe and manipulate as many souls as possible to share his fiery fate with him, so he uses, short tricks and thrills, addictive substances and narcissistic behavioral patterns to help him in his mission.

What is the pitch Satan? When all men are deceived and cleverly manipulated, you will get your kingdom? His crime is the same one that condemns all mankind: "they listened to him"

Satans biggest blow is when the Son of Man was born into the world. Like the "scapegoat" in the popular show "Arrow" who was so promised he would receive his daughters freedom if he went in front of the camera to national news and convinced them this current nuclear crisis was all his fault, when he was in fact innocent. He was dolled up for the part, dressed up in the enemy countries clothing and pronounced to the national media in front of myriads of cameras that he was the one who orchestrated the current missile crises and national devastation to his native homeland. Once he did that and the cameras stopped rolling they immediately shot him between the eyes, then they killed his daughter soon after. Satan in the same way has no use for us and sees us as pawns on a chessboard. Once we put on he enemies clothing, buy into the lie, hook line and sinker, the promise of eternal splendor and honor...then we are just puppets, duped prospects if you will, following blindly his bidding... They are all conduits if you will to work out his sinister will.

In the same way Jesus took on the garment of our manhood, became our scapegoat and stood in the way of his fathers wrath and said "I did it, it was me. It's all my fault" as long as you absolve these people and "let them go their way".

Movies are strewn throughout with a redemptive "heroic" element to them. At the ending and stirring climax of I-Robot. Will Smith is standing behind the glass with tears in his eyes screaming "You are sick!" I have the cure!" Yet those cries fell on deaf ears, they were all blind zombies who could not understand. He then sacrifices himself with a grenade, while giving away the cure. That to me is a huge Christ-like analogy.

I want you to matter who you are.. that God is very, very Real.... and He loves you more than you can even know.... As people we have trouble understanding what that love is, and also not fully understanding what the love of God Himself is. Jesus used countless analogies and parables throughout his time on earth. I like to us the zombie analogies to help understand depravity, try to picture a bloodthirsty carnivorous freak, just see it in your mind for a second, okay, spiritually speaking that's you, a spiritual apocalypse is sweeping across our nation, the enemy is using deception and illusions, lulling many into a spiritual slumber, even in something as innocent as Disney the illuminati, warped illusions and hidden agendas are clear, the more you look into it. Basically, we're all not right in the head the sin virus has infiltrated our central nervous system. We only wish to devour another, many times this is not physical, we feast on peoples failures. It's mental, psychological not always tangible but we do attack others in order to gain ill conceived nourishment. In the pre-flood days there were giants and hybrid angels that would literally rape the woman and consume the men, this is not fantasy this was reality. Without God we have a complete apocalyptic nightmare as it is quoted "watch out that you are not consumed by one another" I doubt this is referring to physical consummation. Yet God gave us a conscious an innate knowledge of right and wrong so we will be aware of our deeds, without that conscious we are all spiritual zombies. 

There is so many more but I would like to conclude with this, it is the end of my story, but its not a story I made up, deeper subliminal hints echo of a deeper truth that this life is not a mere accident or a joke. And time is running out for all of us. Thanks be to God and Our lord Jesus though for giving us the victory.

"Human life has always been lived on the edge of a precipice, it has always existed under the shadow of something infinitely more important than itself" -CS Lewis

Will there be rules in heaven?

I personally believe there will be no rules in heaven, for what are rules but a measurement of restraint? We are naturally born with a wrongful bent inclination to do what is not right. And what is not right but a series of wrongs? Plato himself was quoted to say “I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing"

What Plato realized was the starting point we must all arrive at. Is this not the beginning of wisdom? Even Paul himself agreed to the hidden truth of godliness being a mystery as to a riddle needing to be solved. Beyond all question, the mystery from which true godliness springs is great: The great eternal riddle..the mystery of the ages.

We must "sort out the madness" so to speak. that is our goal, in order to take hold of our eternal destiny by seeing what is real life.

For life is a fickle thing. It seems life brings us more loss than success, more pain than gain and yet, in spite of all that: we fight tooth and nail to hang on 'despite the hardships' to life for just another 5 minutes. Whatever the pain that attends life, we desire to keep experiencing it. Because the other side is shrouded in mystique we've never experienced, we would rather bear the ills we have, than embrace the uncertainty of the unknown. He then says "Thus conscience doth make cowards of us all" -Plato

Author and film maker, Trey Smith greatly influenced my current thinking, if you havent heard of him watch his Youtube documentaries. "Entities" for one is a no-nonsense account about the machinery behind our current world...... and this exclusionary thing we call reality coupled the current level of deception, of evil ones harvesting the souls of those creatures (humans) and the matrix --the machine---

As was once stated:

"I once dreamed of a world unhindered by machines..."

That world exists..just not in this dimension..

The machinary are the demons behind the scenes manipulating the structures surrounding us..they follow their leader Satan and their aim is your perdition, we all have them, vile enemies of the soul...But they fight a losing war like the CSA after Gettysburg, Calvary was their "Waterloo" or the high water mark of the rebellion...

I've felt like an ant with 6 legs, stumbling and struggling with a heavy load six times heavier than my body weight. Such an ant was found in the book "Till We Have Faces" in Oruals vision. To make a picture of the pieces, you have to be a right piece in order to connect where God wants to connect you, for we were all eternal beings, life does not end anywhere, death is merely a transition unto that which is real life, a higher form of pleasure, we were designed to co-author eternity with the most high.

If we are transformed into a new likeness, one like Jesus, then our desires will change as well; a propensity to sin will be completely removed with a fervent desire for good works and godliness. Can you imagine a world where joy will be unending? Pain done away with, forever and ever, where restrictions are removed since our new nature and appreciation for God will be transformed. Free will was and always will be there but due to the understanding of the depravity of sin that we are experiencing in this world, and that understanding is all in order that we may appreciate Christ that much more in the next, when the struggle will be ended. We will not be robots forced to obey his will but newborn saints filled with deep appreciation and awe for what our Savior has done for us. Without the cross, we could never understand the fullness of Jesus love for us. Measures of restraint will be removed.

For what is the Law? "It was added because of transgressions, and how would we know what it was to covet, or to lust, or to steal without the law?  This is what Paul is stating in the New Testament. Now that the fullness of all our transgression are removed through the power of the cross we can "respond" to others in gratitude.

I used to think Jesus and the cross was an old story that happened 2,000 years ago, about a man "Jesus" who did alto of good things, made some bold claims and was crucified. But now I see a clearer picture as my relationship with him grows. I see the cross and its power as ongoing, following his saints throughout history with every drop of blood covering future transgressions, even those we have yet to commit. It is not just some story in history, or some ethereal experience. What happened on that cross 2,000 years ago still follows us today, and the blood of Christ is continually pleaded over our sins by the intercession of our Savior as I type these very words....kind of changes your perspective a bit when you get to know Jesus in this way.